Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Voting Republican Hasn't Worked." "But It Could."


MichaelRyerson said...

Drat. "This Video No Longer Available"

Archaeopteryx said...

Try it here.

Michael said...

But you get food stamps!

That's 'cause I don't git no unemploymint.

It's like the tag on mah truck says....the South is gonna roz ageeuh.

Jesus Christ Arch. Do these toothless yokels actually believe the Republican Party gives a shit about them?...(outside of election years of course)

Archaeopteryx said...

It's crazy, isn't it?

Michael said...
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Michael said...


Archaeopteryx said...

I'm pretty sure that things in Alabama and Mississippi aren't going to change until a whole generation dies off. And even then...but I deal with some of the latest generation on a daily basis, and I can tell you that they aren't as racist or bigoted as the ones that came before them. It gives you some hope.