Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Wouldn't Say the New Prez is Perfect...

...but damn if he ain't good. Today, Obama moved to reverse Dubya's gutting of the Endangered Species Act. Obama's taken the responsibility for determining whether or not a species is in peril out of the hands of political appointees and buearucrats, and put it back where it belongs--into the hands of scientists. We have a president now who appreciates and trusts the work of scientists. It's a nice change.


Catnapping said...

i have nothing intelligent to add, only that i am happy about this - amen, amen, amen.

Cindy said...

And today, right from my seat at lunch looking out on to my backyard I watched a bald eagle - yes, an honest to God BALD EAGLE do a fly-by grab of a branch from the top of a water oak.

He (or she) is building a nest!!! I have red shoulder hawks and red tail hawks and Osprey but this, this really takes the cake!

I feel like it is in response to Obama :)

steve said...

It's about time. Now his detractors are like a bunch of salivating vultures, just waiting to lay blame on every current misfortunes stemming from the Bush administration, on him.