What is "history-making" about McCain's choice? Palin is not the first woman on a major-party ticket. Everyone seems to have forgotten about Geraldine Ferraro, who was excoriated by the Republicans as an unqualified gimmick, placed on the ticket, according to them, only because she was a woman. So, can there be any doubt that placing Palin on the ticket is a cynical attempt to attract disaffected Hillary supporters to the Republican ticket? I can already see the ads: "Hey Pumas! Vote for Palin! She's got ovaries, just like you!"
Here's what McCain is telling feminists: "I've picked a woman. Now, I know Hillary has spent her entire life in public service, and led all kinds of intiatives as First Lady of the Nation, and First Lady of Arkansas, and as a United States Senator. And she went through grueling campaign after campaign as a candidate and as a candidate's wife. Well, look! Sarah Palin was runner up as Miss Alaska! And that's exactly the same thing."
See, ladies, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you've accomplished in your life. It doesn't matter about your education, or experience, or your views on abortion, or civil rights, or really your views on anything. All that matters is that you have two X chromosomes. That's all that matters to us, and that's all that should matter to you.
Oh, yeah--Sarah Palin's really cute, isn't she?
UPDATE: Palin's a creationist.
UPDATE II: And a global warming crank.